Ten of Cups Tarot card meaning

Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship; if with several picture-cards, a person who is taking charge of the Querent's interests; also the town, village or country inhabited by the Querent.

Ten of Cups

Tarot card meaning:

Contentment. Lasting happiness because it is inspired from above rather than being the sensual satisfaction indicated in the Nine of Cups. Perfection of human love. Great friendship. Lasting success. Peacemaking.

Arthur E. Waite - The Pictorial Key to the Tarot :

Appearance of Cups in a rainbow; it is contemplated in wonder and ecstacy by a man and woman below, evidently husband and wife. His right arm is about her; his left is raised upward; she raises her right arm. The two children dancing near them have not observed the prodigy but are happy after their own manner. There is a home-scene beyond.

Ten of Cups card divinatory meanings:

Contentment, repose of the entire heart; the perfection of that state; also perfection of human love and friendship; if with several picture-cards, a person who is taking charge of the Querent's interests; also the town, village or country inhabited by the Querent.
Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

Concord, contentment, physical bien-etre; also victory, success, advantage; satisfaction for the Querent or person for whom the consultation is made.

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Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Fair young man, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected; a studious youth; news, message; application, reflection, meditation; also these things directed to business.

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