Page of Wands Tarot card meaning

Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him. A dangerous rival, if followed by the Page of Cups. Has the chief qualities of his suit. He may signify family intelligence.

Page of Wands

Tarot card meaning:

Courage, beauty. A nature sudden in love or anger. Desire for power; enthusiasm. A messenger or postman. A bearer of tidings. If this card appears in a spread next to one representing a man, there will be favorable testimony concerning him.

Arthur E. Waite - The Pictorial Key to the Tarot :

In a scene similar to the former, a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange.

Page of Wands card divinatory meanings:

Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him. A dangerous rival, if followed by the Page of Cups. Has the chief qualities of his suit. He may signify family intelligence.
Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

A card of many significances, and some of the readings cannot be harmonized. I set aside that which connects it with honour and good faith. The chief meaning is oppression simply, but it is also fortune, gain, any kind of success, and then it is the oppression of these things. It is also a card ...

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Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

Departure, absence, flight, emigration. A dark young man, friendly. Change of residence.

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